PSHE education is an integral part of our school curriculum. Our aim is to educate, inform and prepare our children to lead independent lives of their own. This involves taking responsibility for their own health and well-being. The children learn about fundamental life skills and how to successfully and safely apply these life skills as they transition through key stages at Gateford Park. They learn not only about their own rights, duties and responsibilities but also about the rights and responsibilities of others and that bullying, in any form, will not be tolerated. Teaching aims to help them respect and value the richness and diversity of our society and to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding. Our PSHE and RSHE leader is Clare Hibbert and the link governor is Stacey Spittlehouse.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education is a statutory part of the National Curriculum. We abbreviate this to RSHE. Our focus is to build on the fundamental foundations to creating and maintaining positive relationships, with a particular focus on relationships with family, friends and trusted adults. Our key principles of promoting positive relationships apply for both in-person and online relationships. Throughout their time at Gateford Park, our children will learn about families and the many forms they come in. As part of our diverse curriculum, we ensure each and every child from all families are represented through each Key Stage.
Sex Education
In 2019, Relationships Education was made compulsory in all primary schools. At Gateford Park, we teach about relationships and health, including puberty. We firmly believe it is important to prepare our children for the transition from primary to secondary school, where sex education is mandatory. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from sex education. A consultation will take place prior to the teaching of sex education.
By the end of their time at Gateford Park
Pupils should have had exposure to:
All children will be given an equal opportunity to access both PSHE and RSHE lessons during their time at Gateford Park. At Gateford Park, we use 1Decision as our primary scheme of work.
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