Dear Dragon Class
This school year has been very strange, we have been thinking about you and all of the fun times we’ve had together at school. We miss you all so much so we’ve sent you a surprise. We have made flat teachers of us (like Flat Stanley) so that we can still spend the last two weeks of the year together.
We will be setting you challenges each day to do with both of us and submit photos to your portfolio. Look after us and keep both of us together please, it’s a bit scary being flat and living in a new house so we don’t want to be on our own. We will share your photos on the website so you can all see what we’ve been up to together.
We will be back in school before you know it and although we may not be your teachers in September, we are still looking forward to seeing you back. We can’t wait to see your photos and share some adventures!
Stay safe and have fun,
Miss Vause and Mrs Green
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