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Welcome to Elf Class!

Sports Day

Viking Dress Up Day / Non Uniform

Fire Service Visit

Summer-2nd Half Term


'Whose Hat Is It?'


This half term our topic is called 'Whose Hat Is It?' We will be finding out about Robin Hood, the Vikings, kings & queens, those who work in the emergency services and many more. 


Do any of your family or friends wear a special hat to work? Maybe they would be willing to let your child bring it in to show us.


We are really looking forward to our sports day on 17th July! This promises to be lots of fun for the whole family, and a chance for us to say goodbye to the Elves who are leaving us to start school in September. 



  • School dinners - please tell a member of staff, when you arrive in the morning, if your child is having a school dinner that day.
  • Snack money - 10p per session, payable weekly or termly to Mrs Foulkes, please.
  • Sun cream - please apply at home before arriving at school. Children staying for full days may bring a named bottle of cream for us to reapply at lunch time. 
  • Sun hats - please bring one every day and make sure names are clearly visible.


Please take a look at the topic overview (attached below) for more details of the exciting learning opportunities for this half term and important diary dates.


Summer Second Half Term Overview

Summer First Half Term Overview

Forest School Day 1

Forest School Day 2

PTFA Bunny Bounce 2019

Topic Overview Spring 2 - Nursery Rhymes

World Book Day 2019

Trip to 'Pets At Home'

Guide Dog Visit

Topic Overview Spring 1 - Pets

Christmas Party 2018

Transition Questionnaire Analysis October 2018

Harvest Stay and Play

Spanish Week

Amazon Link School Interviews Squid Dinner Money