Welcome to Unicorn Class!
We are the Year 2 children.
This half-term our topic is 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures'
Bubbles, paint, slime? It's Muck, Mess and Mixtures time!
It's almost the end of our time in year 2 and we are ready to go out with a BANG! So what's more fitting than a topic filled with creativity, our very own version of Masterchef and a visit from a real science lab?
During this half-term we will be taking part in some pretty messy activities so please make sure your child has a change of clothes to leave in school which they are able to get mucky!
We kick-start our topic with a day full of slime making, chocolate melting, bubble blowing, paint stomping, liquid dancing kind of fun! In Science we will be exploring materials and the way they interact with each other and making our own tasty ice-cream to help us understand changes in states. In DT we will enjoy using marbling techniques, research healthy and unhealthy foods and where they come from and make important choices when choosing suitable ingredients for a mouth-watering creation!
During our Maths learning we will be covering fractions, estimation and shape alongside some deeper work on the four operations. Our English work will link directly with our topic as we look at texts such as 'Revolting Recipes', 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and 'Sir Charlie Stinky Socks'. During our writing we will continue to explore sentence types, conjunctions and suffixes to help us keep our readers engaged.
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