Welcome to Pixie Class!
Muck, Mess and Mixtures
Welcome back!
Welcome back to the final half term as a Pixie! I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by! We've had an amazing year so far and we can't wait to see what the final half term has in store for us.
Our final topic is called 'Muck, Mess and Mixtures' and is Science based. We've saved one of the best topics until last with this one! We kickstart our topic with a Messy Day on the first Monday back. We will be making lava lamps, melting crayons, creating slime, making marshmallow pops and much more! This topic promises to be exciting and creative - so prepare to get messy!
Throughout the half term, we are going to be exploring a range of different forms of writing. In English we will be writing different forms of poetry, recounts, newspaper reports, narratives, instructions and persuasion texts.
In our Maths lessons we will continue to look at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will also further extend our knowledge of money, measurement, position and direction.
Homework will be given out once a week. It will be sent home on Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. If by any chance the homework hasn't been given out on Friday, it can be found on the school website.
PE will take place every Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure that your child's indoor and outdoor PE kit is available on these days.
Children's reading books can be changed by children using the baskets in the classroom. These can be changed as and when required.
FYI: the baskets have now moved to the windowsill above the reading garden.
A polite reminder not to change your child's books via the bookshelves in the middle area, as these are for members of staff only.
If you have written a comment in your child's reading diary, please put the diary in the basket on my desk at the beginning of the day. This will allow me to read and respond to the comments in time to give the diaries back at the end of the day.
To help encourage and develop your child's reading, we now have a reading chart displayed in the classroom. If your child reads 3 times at home during the week, a star will be given for that current week. If by the end of the half term your child has received a star every week, they will receive a prize! Reading Diaries will be collected on Friday morning in order for me to look through and see if comments have been written on 3 separate days.
Thank you,
Miss Singh-Bhatti
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