Welcome to Phoenix Class
Our topic for this half-term is 'Predator'.
We will be concentrating on science, exploring wildlife and the general eco-system that we all depend upon.
The children will investigate predators and prey in both the animal and plant kingdoms and learn about food chains. They will learn about carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children will also find out about parasites. In addition the children will also learn about animal’s skeletons (exoskeleton, endoskeleton, both and animals that do not have a skeleton).
In Maths this half-term we will be working on:
All aspects of time, including written problems.
Graphs and data handling.
In English this half-term we will be:
Exploring haiku poems.
Writing recounts and creating leaflets.
Creating a story (with a dilemma).
Speech writing.
P.E. is on a Thursday morning and swimming is on a Tuesday morning. A reminder that children are asked not to wear earrings on PE days and that long hair should be tied up. Thank you.
In Year 3 we send home one piece of homework each week, usually Maths, on a Friday. We expect every child to complete this homework, which builds upon the work we have been doing in class, and bring it into school by the following Wednesday.
These are usually given on a Friday and tested on the following Friday. Although children are allowed to practise during the week, additional practice at home is always beneficial.
In addition, the children with the top 3 scores, will win a prize at the end of each half term.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
St Michael's Environmental Education Centre
What an amazing time we had at St Michael's. The weather was very kind to us and it was even warm enough to complete our orienteering challenge in t-shirts. Learning all about dry stone walling from Bill was amazing and we now know all about the different types and purposes of stone to make a strong and long lasting wall.
Our study of the Hood Brook was great. We learned how to calculate the speed of the flow of the river, studied the depth and the river water quality. We found some amazing mini beasts.
Gary, our amazing instructor, took us on a fantastic and tiring walk to the Old Mill Pond and told us all about how the paper was made there which was then transported to Hathersage to wrap up the needles and pins manufactured in the town.
We maybe didn't sleep as much as when we are at home but we certainly had lots of fun.
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