Our topic this half term is Brazil/The Amazon – details below. There are opportunities for debate and the children to express their own opinion; it would be great if you could help your child develop their opinion on subjects such as deforestation and urbanisation.
During the half term in science, we will be looking at reproduction of mammals and of course, that includes humans. It is age appropriate (formal terminology is used) and we do discuss puberty and what is happening to their bodies. If you are worried about the content of these sessions then please let me know and we can discuss it.
Talk for writing – Persuasion - Deforestation
Maths - To begin the half term, for the first couple of weeks, we will be completing our unit on multiplication and division, looking specifically at multiplying 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by 2 and 3 digit numbers. After this we move on to fractions, decimals and percentage which will last up until the summer 2 term.
General Reminders…
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