Welcome to Elf Class
Welcome to the final half-term in Elf Class!
This half-term our topic is called Animal Planet! We will be learning about different animals from around the world and the countries they live in. There will also be a whole school International Day - more details to follow. As always, we have some fantastic learning experiences planned!
We hope that you are enjoying receiving (via email) the observations and photos of your child playing and learning in Elf Class. If you are experiencing any problems viewing these, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see us or email nursery@gateford.notts.sch.uk
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Spencer, Miss Chappell and the Elf Class Team
Please click the tabs below for information about our topics, diary dates and also any photos we take in school of special learning.
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