Welcome to Elf Class
Welcome to the first half term of this new school year. It’s lovely to see our ‘old’ elves back with us again and we are delighted to also be welcoming many new families. We know that it’s going to be another fantastic year in Elf Class!
Our topic for this half term, will be ‘Beside The Sea’. We have lots of fun activities planned. Look at the overview for this half term (click below) to get an idea of some of the things we will be learning about.
We are excited to announce that we will be introducing ‘ClassDojo’ to share fun moments from the classroom and keep you up to date with information and events. This will replace ‘EvidenceMe’ and will bring us in line with the rest of school, who all use ClassDojo.
We go outside in all weathers! Please make sure your child has an appropriate coat and a pair of wellies on their peg so that we can enjoy playing outside in rain, snow and hail! We have waterproof suits in school for extremely wet days.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and see us, call or email.
Mrs Spencer and Mrs Butler
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