Home Page



Hello and welcome to our class page! 


Mrs Foulkes and I are looking forward to welcoming and working with you and your child to ensure that their year is filled with learning that will inspire love, interest and curiosity and not to forget a little bit of magic along the way. In Year 2 you will see your child being encouraged to work more independently as they reach the end of KS1. It is very exciting time for both you and your child and we can't wait to experience this journey with you. 


On our class page you will find essential information about our class, although we do recommend staying up to date with Class Dojo for further information about everything that is happening in our class and in school.


Our classroom door is always open for a chat at the end of the day, however feel free to contact me via Class Dojo or my email for any queries you may have. If there is anything at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. My email is: cunwin@gateford.notts.sch.uk


Here's to an amazing year!





Key Information: 




The children will receive free fruit in the morning and afternoon. If your child would like a snack at first break time then please send the money on that day. Prices are below:


Toast 30p

Teacake 40p

Croissant 60p 

Pizza (Fridays) 60p


School Uniform


At Gateford Park Primary School, the uniform consists of a white polo t-shirt (with out without the logo), black or grey skirt/pinafore or trousers, blue gingham dresses, blue sweater or cardigan (ideally with logo). Children should wear black school shoes with school uniform, NOT trainers. Jewellery should be kept to an absolute minimum for safety reasons and because valuable items can be easily lost. Necklaces, bracelets, rings and dangly earrings are not to be worn. 



For PE, please ensure that your child has a plain white t-shirt (with or without logo) and plain black or navy blue shorts/joggers/leggings, with appropriate footwear (black trainers or plimsoles). We have spare shorts and t-shirts in school for those who forget or come to school in the incorrect kit. No jewellery should be worn on PE days. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. 

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