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Welcome to Gnome Class - Half Term 6

Half Term 6



For this half term, we are taking part in our whole school them of ‘Around the World’. Each week we learn about a different continent, think about what life is like there and build on our understanding of where we live in the world, what a continent is and what a landmark is.


We will enjoy books linked to each continent, both non-fiction and fiction and each week we will take part in craft activities from a country in each continent.





During this half term, we will be continuing to use Drawing Club to bring fun and creativity to our literacy lessons, focusing on vocabulary and then drawing our ideas and beginning to use captions/sentences to explain our ideas. One of the early learning goals is to write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others and this is the focus for the Summer term.






We are currently working on Level 4 phonics ready for children to start Level 5 in Year 1. There are no new sounds in level 4, we continue to embed level 2/3 sounds and use them to read and write more complex words.



This half term, we will be focusing on grouping and sharing, thinking about whether shared amounts are equal/fair and consolidating our learning. We will also be focusing further on number bonds and subitising.


Dates for your diary – Summer Half Term 2


Friday 7th June – Wednesday 12th June - Scholastic Book Fair, after school in the hall

Thursday 13th June – Gnome Class Sports Day – 9am on our MUGA – please send your child to school in their PE kit and ensure they have a bottle of water

Friday 14th June – Whole Class visit to Butterfly House – Please wear school uniform on top half and comfy shoes/joggers/leggings and bring a pack up and drink for the day in a small bag which your child can carry (we will be placing these bags in a secure room upon arrival.

Thursday 2nd July – International Day – A whole school day where children are invited to wear clothes to represent their heritage or a country that is special to them – this may be traditional clothing, colours of a flag, face paint etc. Children will take part in a range of activities to celebrate this exciting day.

Thursday 25th July – Gnome class end of year celebration – parents/carers are invited to join us at 2pm for an end of year celebration.


There may be more dates to share as the term goes on but for now, these are the key dates J

PE and book change day is still each Wednesday.


Also worth a reminder is that we go outside each day, whatever the weather and as we move into a (hopefully!) sunnier term, it is worth thinking about sun protection for your child. A sun hat which covers your child’s neck and applying all day sun lotion before school are both great precautions.





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