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Welcome to Unicorn Class!

We are year 2. 




We kick start our year with a science- based topic called 'Beachcombers'.


In English we will be studying non-fiction texts,  tongue twisters, narratives, letters, poetry and persuasion texts as well as creating our own.



In Maths, we will be exploring concepts surrounding addition and subtraction with two  two-digit numbers, multiplication and division linked to the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, statistics and measurement.


Science will play a big part in our first topic. We will begin by identifying a collection of beach items and sorting them into living and dead. We will be completing a number of investigations and using our findings to suggest answers to questions. We shall also study habitats and how these meet the needs of animals and plants, and learn about the food chains which exist within rock pools.


The fun doesn't stop there! We will also be exploring the features of a coastline, researching beaches of the past and the changes which have occurred, creating sand art and compiling our own presentations on the computers to share with you at our topic showcase event on 22nd October!

Get ready Beachcombers, it's going to be a good one!


Important dates in Unicorn Class

  • Thursday 3rd September- First day back
  • Friday 11th September- Beach themed show and tell
  • Tuesday 15th September - RNLI visit Key Stage 1 (In school)
  • Monday 19th October- Individual school photographs
  • Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st October - Parents evening
  • Thursday 22nd October- 'Beachcombers' topic showcase (Parents invited- 2:30PM)
  • Friday 23rd October - INSET- School closed to children


  • During the first half-term, PE will take place on a Monday (dance) and Wednesday (games). Please ensure that your child has their indoor and outdoor PE kits in school on these days.
  • Homework will be given out every Friday and should be returned to the Homework Book Box by the following Wednesday. There will be one piece of homework each week alongside 'The Unicorn Challenge'. This challenge will run every half-term and will allow children to choose their own 'challenge homework' to accumulate points. At the end of each half-term the points the child has gained will result in a different reward; the harder the challenge they choose, the more points they will gain!


Topical websites to support your child's learning at home



RNLI website:




Curriculum overview for all Year Groups - See Year 2 Page

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