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Frozen Kingdom




Welcome to the planet’s coldest lands – vast wilds, hostile territories, incredibly beautiful yet often deadly. Take shelter from the elements or fall prey to icy winds sub-zero tempetrures Be alert, for magnificent mammals roam these lands, sometimes hungry or fresh for a fight. Research facts and figures of climate, temperature, habitats and eco-systems.


PE: We will be outside for PE on hopefully every Monday as well Thursday PM. However, this may change due to other curriculum changes and therefore it would be helpful if children could keep PE Kits in school throughout the week.

Reading:  As you understand Year 6 is an important year and therefore, I ask that your child is reading a minimum of 5 times a week at home.

Spellings: Spellings are shared on a Monday and we do a short ‘quiz’ the following Friday. However, please be aware that spellings are not given out every week, it all depends on the spellings rules being learnt in the classroom.



I’m always available if you have any questions - so please do not hesitate to contact me before or after-school.


Mr. Webster (Teacher)                                


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