Homework (given out on Friday 10th January and due in by Wednesday 15th January: SATs buster 10 minute test, Set C, Test 2.
Please make sure you are reading every day and logging this in your planners.
Spellings (given out on Friday 10th January for the test on Friday 17th January:
1) Telephone
2) Telegraph
3) Telepathy
4) Microphone
5) Automobile
6) Automatic
7) Graphics
8) Signature
9) Quadrilateral
10) Microscope
Homework (given out on Friday 20th December and due in by Wednesday 8th January: SATs buster 10 minute test, Set C, Test 1.
Please make sure you are reading every day and logging this in your planners.
Spellings (given out on Friday 20th December for the test on Friday 110th January:
1) Bough
2) Cough
3) Enough
4) Bought
5) Though
6) Thought
7) Thorough
8) Plough
9) Drought
10) Sought
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