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Welcome to Gnome Class!





Welcome back Gnomes! We hope you had a fantastic end of term break!


We are about to begin our final half term in Gnome Class and we saved one of the best topics until last! Our Superheroes topic is set to be really exciting, making sure we end the year with a...



This is a whole school topic, with lots of opportunities to work and engage with children from other classes.


In English we will be writing speech bubbles, captions, letters, instructions, and stories. We have another Talk 4 Writing unit as part of this topic - the chosen story is Supertato. It's a fantastic story and we know it will produce some amazing pieces of writing.


In Maths we will be focusing on addition, subtraction, doubling and halving. We will be recapping how to find one more and one less than numbers up to 20 and learn how to count forwards and backwards in our heads to solve addition and subtraction problems. 

We will continue to practise writing our numbers up to 20 - so if you can practise this at home as much as possible, that would be a huge help.


In addition to Maths and English, we will be exploring the best materials to make superhero capes out of, learn about different scientific states and produce some great artwork. We will make our own Supertato characters, create musical instruments to match our Superhero Sounds and solve mathematical problems to save superheroes who are in trouble.


Remember, these are the last few weeks of your child being in FS2. We want the Gnomes to be reading at home as much as possible to ensure they fully reach their potential and move on to the next book band colour.


Please remember that as of Tuesday 18th April we have a new morning routine in KS1. All children should enter the classroom through the door connecting to our outdoor area and parents should no longer enter the classroom in the morning. Should you wish to speak to a member of staff, we will be available after school. During the morning we will be settling children in and setting them off on their morning task. Please support us in this new routine to ensure a smooth transition into our school day. 


All the Gnomes have now completed all of Phase 2 and Phase 3 phonics. Please continue to reinforce your child's learning by practising their letters and sounds with them at home. Phonics key rings should be kept in book bags, so we can add the sounds onto the key rings as and when we learn them.


If you would like to come in and help in Gnome Class please see a member of staff. Whether you are a mum, dad, grandma, grandad or even a sibling, you are more than welcome to come and join us!



  • PE is on a Monday afternoon (Dance with Lauren) and Wednesday afternoon (Mr Roberts). Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every week (white t-shirt and blue/black shorts). Trainers should be kept in PE bags as well, as PE will be outside if the weather is nice.
  • Children’s reading books will be changed when we hear children read. You are welcome to change children’s books as often as you like using the baskets in the classroom. Please do not take books which do not match your child's book band colour. If they are not ready to be reading that colour book, then they may become upset if they struggle to read it.
  • Reading prizes will be awarded to children who read at home at least 3 times a week every week in the half term. Please sign your child's reading diary to help them achieve this. Diaries are checked every Friday, so if you can update reading records by then that would be great. If diaries are not updated by Friday, your child will not get a star on the chart. Checking diaries takes time and we can only spare time to timetable it in on this day.
  • Homework will be sent out on a Friday and is due back on a Wednesday.
  • Any lunchboxes should be put on the trolley when the children arrive at school in a morning. This can be found in the KS1 cloakroom. 


If you have any questions or worries please come and see us, we are more than happy to help in any way we can.


Thank you,

The EYFS Team

Useful Websites:


Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage -  http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/files/2012/03/Development-Matters-FINAL-PRINT-AMENDED.pdf 


Phonics Play website - http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 



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