These are things to practise every day which will help your child develop early learning skills:
- Getting themselves dressed and undressed at the start and end of the day
- Putting on and fastening own coat and shoes
- Physical exercise, preferably outdoors, e.g. a trip to the park, bike/scooter ride or run around the garden
- Doing jigsaws and other puzzles/simple games
- Practising scissor skills, making snips in paper and cutting up magazines and old greetings cards
- Drawing / painting / craft activities
- Writing own name using the correct pencil grip and name card to ensure correct formation
- Practise letter and number formation using cards provided
- Singing and rhyming, rhyming story books e.g. Julia Donaldson, are good for identifying rhyming words
- Counting - sing counting songs, count sets of objects / actions, play board games
- 'Dough Disco' - Use your small pot of playdough and some lively music. Can you make a ball, pancake, sausage. Use all of your fingers. This will help to build finger strength, ready for writing. (Google 'Dough Disco' if you're not sure what to do!)