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Summer 2

Welcome Back to term 2 of Harry Potter


Welcome back, pupils and parents/carers, muggles and wizards! The magic is still in the air and we are continuing to bubble with excitement for our topic, Harry Potter to continue. We got off to a flying start last half term and the children are thoroughly enjoying immersing themselves in the world of Harry Potter. During this topic, pupils will have the opportunity to succeed at many challenges and it will be their determination, hard work and teamwork which will see them accomplish their goals. In a mere 7 weeks time I will bid my Griffins farewell, as they transition into their final year of primary school, fear not, we still have 7 weeks of jammed packed of fun and learning.


Let the Show Begin!

 This year will see the return of our Y5/6 end-of-year production. Gateford staff will be pulling the play- The X Factory- together and we will have a full week of ‘theatre week’ during HT6. Auditions have been held and parts have been allocated. Pupils have been given their scripts for the play, which has a range of speaking and non-speaking parts. Parents/carers will be invited to purchase tickets for the play at £2 each, which will take place at the end of ‘theatre week’. We will be recording the performance and are selling them at £5 each.

Movie Nights


You lucky lot, we are doing 2 movie nights this half term (with so many films to cover). Dates are below they will run from 320 – 6pm so we can fit the whole film in and will be £3 per session. Refreshments provided.

Monday 12th June – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Monday 10th July – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Secure your place on Dojo!



Dates for the diary

Monday 4th June – 1st day of half term 6

Monday 4th June  - Quidditch experience in school

Week beginning 4th June – Environment week

Friday 9th June – Emoji dress up day

Week beginning 12th June – Wheelchair sports week

Monday 12th June – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Friday 23rd June – Sports Day

Week beginning 26th June – Y5/6 Theatre week – performances Friday 30th @ 1045am and 145pm

Weds 5th and Thurs 6th July – Transition Days

Friday 7th July – Summer Festival 4pm – 6pm

Monday 10th July – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Friday 21st July – Last day of summer term


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