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Welcome to Gnome Class!




Welcome to the final half term in Gnome Class! We can't believe we're heading into the last few weeks of this academic year. It's been a fantastic year and we can't wait to finish it with this fun-filled topic!


Our topic this half term is called 'Dinosaurs'.  This is a whole school topic, so there will be lots of opportunities to work alongside other classes and get parents involved in our learning!



In English, we will be studying another Talk 4 Writing unit, where we will learn a story through actions and pictures. We will then rewrite the story in groups. This last half term we are focusing on writing sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. In class we are spending time learning how to form capital letters and we are making sure the children know when to use capital letters in their writing. Every piece of writing the children do, whether it is independent or guided, will include these features.


In Maths, we will be learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, weigh ingredients for baking, subtract by counting back and recap our knowledge of capacity. We will also look more closely at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes, in addition to reading numbers and counting objects to match. The Gnomes will also learn how to estimate the size of different dinosaurs, using nonstandard measures to measure them and see if they were correct.


In Phonics, all children have now completed Phase 2 and Phase 3. They should be able to recognise all the sounds in written words and also read Phase 2 and 3 tricky words (into, no, he, she etc.). These words can be found at the front of your child's reading diary. Please continue to go through their phonics keyring with them and also read these tricky words to help reinforce learning.


Activities to support your learning at home:

  • Practise writing your name and discuss what letters are in your name.
  • Talk about the letters in different words. E.g. reading labels on packets or tins. Discuss the shape of the letters.
  • Read numbers that you see every day, such as numbers on houses or car registration plates
  • Read and write numbers to 20
  • Discuss mathematical concepts in every day life, such as money whilst shopping, time, addition and subtraction
  • Practise counting familiar objects, such as stairs or shoes
  • Share stories together and have story time! Talk about the stories you have read
  • Practise writing sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops
  • Read the tricky words at the front of your child's reading diary
  • Go through the phonics keyring with your child to reinforce knowledge of Phase 2 and 3 sounds


Key Information and Dates for Gnome Class:


  • PE will be on a Monday afternoon (Mr Roberts) and a Tuesday afternoon (Dance with Lauren). Now that the weather is starting to improve, lessons will be outside (weather permitting). Please ensure your child has both INDOOR and OUTDOOR PE kits in school including TRAINERS.
  • The Reading Challenge is in place again this half term. The chart is displayed on the board outside our classroom. If you read at home 3+ times a week you will receive a star on the chart. Read at home every week in the half term and you will receive a treat/prize!
  • Children will now buy their own snack from the kitchen at break times. Please ensure your child has the correct (or small) change to buy their snack, as this helps to speed up the snack buying process.
  • Children change their own reading books using the baskets in the classroom. If they need new books, please remind them to change them, as we only have time to give new books when reading with each child.


Please note - children should now enter the classroom INDEPENDENTLY and put their things away themselves. As well as helping children to become more independent, it also ensures the classroom door isn't blocked up so others can access the classroom easily.


4th - 8th June - PTFA Father's Day Gift Shop all week (£1.50)

11th - 15th June - Dino Week 1 (themed activities throughout the week)

15th June - Dino Dress Up Day

16th June 11-2pm - School Nursery (Elf Class) open day

3rd July - Transition Day. Gnomes go into Pixie Class for the day

4th July - Transition Day. Gnomes go into Pixie Class for the day

9th July - Sports Day

13th July - Summer Sizzler

18th July - Reports go out to parents

23rd July 2pm - Gnome Graduation (bring your tissues!)


If you would like to help out in Gnome Class, please come and see a member of staff. Whether you are a mum, dad, grandma, grandad or sibling, you are more than welcome to come and join us!


If you have any questions or worries please come and see us, we are here to help in any way we can!


Thank you,

The EYFS Team

FS2 Transition Questionnaire Analysis October 2017

Useful Websites:


Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage -  http://www.foundationyears.org.uk/files/2012/03/Development-Matters-FINAL-PRINT-AMENDED.pdf 


Phonics Play website - http://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ 


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