Home Learning - General Guidance
- Counting out sets of objects and matching to numerals
- Singing counting songs
- Counting actions e.g. how many jumps can we do?
- Comparing different sets of objects, saying when they have the same, more or fewer.
- Adding one more/ taking one away from a set of objects.
- Go on a shape hunt around your house.
- Talking about length, height, weight etc. e.g. which fruit is heaviest/ lightest?
- Capacity - playing with water and containers. Is it full/ empty?
- Running, jumping, climbing etc. Try out different ways of moving.
- Dancing to music
- Threading (pasta on string, cotton reels, cheerios, buttons etc)
- Playdough - rolling, squashing, pinching, shaping etc.
- Cutting with child scissors (cut out old cards, magazines etc)
- Jigsaw puzzles
- Peg boards, aqua beads, hama beads etc.
- Building train tracks
Literacy/ Phonics
- Sharing story books/ poems/ rhymes/ non-fiction texts.
- Singing nursery rhymes and making up new rhyming verses
- Playing 'I Spy' with initial sounds e.g. I spy something beginning with 'b'
- Hunting for objects starting with the same sound
- Rhyming games and finding objects that rhyme.
- Writing own first name (and surname if ready) using correct formation.
- Writing other letters and saying the sounds (if ready)
- Drawing/ painting/ chalking pictures - think about the shapes and colours you are using.
- Role play activities - shopping, homes, hairdressers, vets etc
- Junk modelling
- Singing and dancing
- Playing with musical instruments (or pots and pans!)
- Sticking pictures, tracing, stencils, rubbings etc
- Dressing up and acting out stories
Above all, early years education is all about PLAY! Be a good role model by following your child's interests and playing WITH them.