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Spring 1

Earth and Space

This terms topic is ……..

Our topic is called Skies above my eyes and is a science based topic. Over the half term our learning objectives will be:

  • Know what gravity is and its impact on our lives
  • Identify and know the effect of air and water resistance
  •  Identify and know the effect of friction
  • Explain how levers, pulleys and gears allow a smaller force to have a greater effect
  • Know about and explain the movement of the Earth and other planets relative to the Sun
  • Know about and explain the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
  • Know and demonstrate how night and day are created 
  • Describe the Sun, Earth and Moon (using the term spherical


Talk for writing – Is an instruction text ‘How to survive an Alien Invasion’.


Maths – multiplication and division


Spanish - In Griffin class, children will concentrate on information about Spain, including the weather and months of the year. They will continue to revise body, face, emotions, greetings, numbers and colours.




We have got off to a great start with our class fundraising, we raised enough money to pay for a new class set of dictionaries and we have £305 in the bank towards our end of year extravaganza.


Movie night was a regular event last year and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. Therefore, we will be holding Griffin movie night on the Monday 30th January, straight from school at 320pm until 5pm. We will be showing a film linked to our space topic.


A charge of £2.50 per child is required but this will include hot chocolate, juice and popcorn. All proceeds will go towards our class fund.

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