Dear Children and Parents,
Here are a few bits and pieces to help you understand how our class runs:
Dragon class runs on a job share basis. Miss Vause teaches the class on Mondays and Tuesdays, Miss Unwin teaches on Thursdays and Fridays. We take it in turns to teach on Wednesdays.
In Dragon class we use Class Dojo to keep in touch with both parents and pupils: Copies of letters, photos, homework and reminders of events will be sent this way and messages can be sent.
School Uniform
At Gateford Park, the uniform consists of white polo shirt (with or without logo), black or grey skirt/pinafore or trousers, blue gingham dresses, blue sweater or cardigan (ideally with logo). Children should wear black school shoes with school uniform, NOT trainers. Jewellery should be kept to an absolute minimum for safety reasons and because valuable items can be easily lost. Please no necklaces,bracelets,rings,dangly earrings.
For PE, please ensure that your child has a plain white t-shirt (with or without logo) and plain black or navy blue shorts/joggers/leggings, with appropriate footwear (trainers or plimsoles). We have spare shorts and t-shirts in school for those who forget or who come to school in the incorrect kit. On PE days, children are welcome to come to school already dressed in PE kit. No jewellery at all should be worn for PE.
Swimming lessons will begin after February Half term, further details will be provided nearer the time.
Homework this year will consist mostly of reading, spelling and times table practise and this is the same throughout the school. Additional assignments will be sent to the children via Class Dojo.
Pencil cases won’t be required in class as we will provide everything your child needs.
A spelling test will be done every Monday. (Spelling lists are kept in the children's planners for them to learn as well as on dojo and the website if they leave their planner at school)
Times tables tests will be on Fridays. Please help your child to practise as often as possible as it helps so much in their general, day to day maths work. The tests focuses on instant recall of all times tables and is delivered with a time limit for each question.
We would like the children to try and read at least 3 times a week either by themselves or to an adult. A mixture of both would be most beneficial.
We want your child to feel happy and secure at school and this is our ultimate aim to enable them to make consistent progress. If there are any problems, questions or concerns about your child please don’t hesitate to pop in after school or send a message through class dojo.
We look forward to seeing you all soon,
Kind Regards,
Miss Vause and Miss Unwin
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