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Welcome to Pixie Class!

We all are new to Pixie Class this year and I hope you are as excited as I am for the year ahead! We have some brilliant topics to enjoy this year including Our Local Area and Beyond, From Farm to Fork, What's that Sound?, Space Adventure, Great Fire of London and The Olympics! 

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to email me jboulton@gateford.notts.sch.uk

School Closure


We have sent a resource pack home with every pupil who was in school on Thursday that can be worked through as and when needed. It is mainly all revision of areas covered throughout the year so far. I will post extra resources on here regularly to keep everyone busy during these uncertain times. Please feel free to email me at the address above if you need anything clarifying or have any questions about anything.


Take care.

Mr Boulton, Mrs Hopkinson, Miss Picksley, Mrs Dawes and Mrs Smyth.

Home Learning Ideas

Interactive activities

HT 4 - What's that sound?


During this half term we will be exploring everything musical. What sound do different instruments make? Are instruments the same all over the world? Are musical tastes the same around the world? We will also be discovering and trying differnent vocal techniques and singing styles, as well as playing a range of new instruments.

HT3 - Great Fire of London


During this half term we will be looking at the Great Fire of London of 1666. We will dive into this topic answering questions such as: How did the fire start? Where did it start? Why was it so devastating to the city of London? How far did the fire spread? Why did it take so long to put it out? Who was Samuel Pepys and why was his diary so important? and many more. 

From Farm to Fork


During HT2 we will be looking at all things food. Finding out about where a lot of our food comes from, what parts of plants we eat, which food come from plants and which from animals as well as having a go at following a recipe. We will also be looking at what we need to be eating to have a healthy diet as well as the benefits of eating this way.

Our Local Area and Beyond!


During our first half term we will be looking around our local area and comparing it to other places around the UK like seaside towns, big cities and country villages. Is there anything the same found in all the areas? What are the main differences? 

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