Wraparound Care
Here at Gateford Park Primary we offer full wraparound childcare during term time.
Nursery Lunch Club (LC)
We provide a lunch club for all full-time nursery children, which runs from 11.40am - 12.20pm. The cost of this childcare is £2.10 per day and children staying all day will be automatically booked in. Payment can be made in advance or at the end of each week (see below).
Children have the option to either bring a packed lunch from home or you may purchase a hot school dinner, via Squid, for an additional £2.70 per day. Note that school dinners must be paid for separately. Please contact Mrs Ellis for information regarding setting up a Squid account for school dinners only.
Breakfast Club (BF)
Our breakfast club runs from 7.30am – 8.40am, Monday to Friday during term time.
The cost is £3.60 per session, to be booked and paid for in advance (see below)
Afterschool Provision (AS)
Our Afterschool Provision between 3.20pm and 6pm, Monday to Friday during term time, must also be booked and paid for in advance (see below). We offer 2 sessions:
3.20pm – 4.30pm, at a cost of £5.50 per session
3.20pm – 6pm, at a cost of £11 per session (free sandwich/snack included)
Places are limited to ensure the quality and safety of the provision.
Late bookings may be requested by contacting the school office, however places will be strictly subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.
Extra Sessions (ES)
Extra sessions are available for part-time children, at a cost of £13.50 per session, plus the Lunch club charge of £2.10 per day. Parents should contact us in advance to allow their child to be added to the register.
Booking and Payment
We are delighted to inform you that we have recently signed up to the online payment system SchoolMoney. This means that you will now have the facility to make payments for wraparound care online with your debit or credit card.
This new payment system allows you to book and pay for childcare from the comfort of your own home, in a secure and safe environment. SchoolMoney provides access to your account at any time, allowing you to amend your bookings up to 24hrs in advance. Bookings cancelled in advance will be automatically credited to back to your SchoolMoney account.
You won’t need to sign up to this system as this is done automatically, using the contact details you provided when registering your child. We will send you a password within a few days of your child starting school. This password will give you access to your SchoolMoney account where you can book and pay for wraparound care. Please let us know immediately if either your mobile number or email address changes.
To log into SchoolMoney, download the ‘Teachers2Parents’ app via the App Store, or visit the website www.eduspot.co.uk and click on the sign in button in the top right-hand corner. In the drop down, select the SchoolMoney Parent Login option and this will send you through to a page where you need to enter your mobile number, email address, the password we have sent to you, and your child’s first name.
If you would like to pay for lunch club, breakfast or afterschool clubs with Childcare Vouchers or through the Government’s Tax-Free Childcare Scheme, please search for Gateford Park Primary School, using our postcode S81 7RG, to make payments directly into our school bank account.
Third party Childcare Vouchers take 3-5 working days to appear in our account, while the Government’s Tax-Free Vouchers appear within 48 hours. Please let us know via email when you have made a payment, so that we can transfer the credit over to your SchoolMoney account as soon as we receive it. Vouchers are non-refundable, but credit will be given for breakfast and after school bookings cancelled up to midnight, the day before.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or need a password reminder.
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