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This half term Unicorn class are learning about WW2. We will be looking it from the point of view of a child, so evacuees, rationing, war effort etc and not about the politics.

Mr Straws House

Marble challenge

Here is how it works:

Ready to learn – 1 marble

Marvellous – 2 marbles

Extraordinary – 3 marbles

Out of the World – 4 marbles

This is working really well in class and the children love earning marbles to go toward their team.

The children are choosing a variety of reward activities from extra play time, ipads and colouring.


General Reminders…

  • The children will be doing PE on Tuesday and Fridays. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. We encourage children to practise getting dressed at home to help them get changed quickly in school!
  • Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be dropped in the box in our classroom labelled dropbox. Please ensure that any letters are clearly labelled.
  • The children can bring their own water bottle to keep in class which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottle.

Dates for the diary

  • 2nd November firework art @ Greenacre Care Home
  • 7th and 8th November parents evening
  • 24th November INSET DAY
  • 7th December Winter Warmer
  • 13th December Nativity 1030 am and 2pm
  • 19th December Christmas dinner and jumper day
  • 19th December – whole class to sing at Greenacre Care Home

Greenacre Care Home - firework art 09.11.17

Homework Challenge Autumn 2

Reading Challenge Autumn 2

Newsletter - Autumn 2

Amazon Link School Interviews Squid Dinner Money