Welcome to Half term 6 - SCRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS!
Our new and exciting topic is all about food - how it grows, where it comes from, how it gets to the supermarkets and what to do with it. The children will have a great time using their senses to see, smell, touch and taste a variety of foods and even design some meals of their own; finishing with a 'Master Chef' style challenge to win.
In English we will be reading and writing instructions, poetry, as well as researching famous people associated with food.
During our Maths lessons the children will learn formal methods of calculating: addition, subtraction and multiplication using money and measures; solving real life problems along the way.
The children will continue to have a musical instrument lesson on Mondays this time learning to play a Ukelele with Mr Thornton. They have had their first lesson (see the photos and video clips below).
So sit back and enjoy having some meals cooked for you (eventually)!
Mrs Norton ;-)
I have put on a link to the Oxford Owl website below - here you will find lots of ebooks at the same colour band that your child is reading in school. Please go on the site to encourage your child to read a variety of books.
P.E days:
THURSDAY - Athletics/Games (Outdoor kit with Mrs. Harrop - tracksuit/jumper or jogging bottoms & trainers or pumps)
******Please remember to remove earrings ******
We encourage children to read at least 3 times a week, learn weekly spellings and practice their maths mountains times tables. Children can change their reading books independently whenever they need to and can also access more books online through Oxford Owls.
There will be maths homework set weekly on the abacus website which is directly linked to the work that will have been covered in class. From time to time there may be a specific piece of homework we would like the children to complete. This will be sent home in their homework book on a Friday to be returned by the following Tuesday.
Please follow the links below to find out more about what we have been doing in class and links to web pages which will help their learning.
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