Welcome to Minotaur class
We are the Year 6 pupils
Our PE days this half-term will be Tuesdays (dance with Lauren) and Thursdays (games with Mr Roberts). Please ensure PE kits are in school on these days.
Homework will continue to be given out each Friday and should be returned to the 'homework' drawer by the following Wednesday. Spellings will be tested and new spellings will be given out each Monday. A reminder of both homework and spellings for each week can be found on the class page of the school website. We cannot stress enough how important it is for pupils to be reading quality novels at home. As a guide, we suggest pupils read for 15 minutes at home each day in order to increase their fluency, develop their vocabulary and improve comprehension skills. If you would like any suggestions of reading lists, please just ask!
Key dates in Minotaur class:
- Friday 4th May- SPaG revision sheets and the next SATs Buster reading test. Continue to use Hit the Button to keep your times table facts sharp :) This week's spellings are: compliment, complement, past, passed, precede, proceed, ascent, assent.
- Friday 27th April-Next SATs Buster reading test and make sure your times tables are up to scratch on Hit the Button. This week's spellings are: father, farther, guest, guessed, heard, herd, led, lead, morning, mourning.
- Friday 23rd March- Set B: Test 5 in your SATs buster books and spend fifteen minutes a day recapping the fraction methods in your booklet from the SATs information evening. This week's spellings are: aisle, isle, aloud, allowed, affect, effect, altar, alter, cereal and serial.
- Friday 16th March- Set B: Test 4 in your SATs buster books. This week's spellings are: ancient, convenience, temperature, opportunity, environment, awkward, accompany, government and controversy. Test on: Monday 19th.
- Friday 9th March- Set B: Test 3 in your SATs buster books. This weeks spellings are: bought, thought, nought, brought, fought, rough, tough, enough, cough and dough.
- Friday 16th February- Arithemetic work (on sheet) and Set B:Test 3 from your SAT Buster homework book. Don't forget to practise your spellings (vehicle, vegetable, curiosity, dictionary, immediate, sufficient, apparent, hindrance, sincerely, rhyme). Test on: 26th February
- Friday 19th January 2018- Having spent time in class writing your 500 word competition entry, your homework this week is to type up your entry and submit it online. Don't forget to email Miss Lembo a copy too so that we can choose a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winner for our class. If you do not have a computer at home, you are welcome to use a school laptop during lunch hours. Closing date: 7pm on 22nd February. Good luck, Minotaurs!!
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