Welcome to Griffin Class 2019-2020
As we won’t be able to do our end of year production as we know it, we’ve got something else up our sleeves!
We’re using past performance songs to recreate a music extravaganza! Each child will have two songs to learn, record and send back to us.
On the Griffin class page, you’ll find stars which will take you to the songs and dance videos for each song. Please learn your two songs, then ask someone to video you (full length) singing and dancing to the songs with headphones in. Once you’ve done your 2 separate recordings, please send these via email to your class teacher, by Thursday 9th July at the very latest. The subject of your email should be your name and the title of your songs. All children will be singing a song called ‘Singing all over the World’ plus one other which we will inform you of individually.
Have fun! J
Griffins these are your songs
Anti gravity - Will, Charlie K, Isla M
Back to the beginning - Jazz, Olivia, Jack
Bongo Bandits - Keaton, Isla S, Liberty
Happy Ever After - Isabelle, Charli C, Ava
Men in tights- Ruby, Maja, Chloe
Piratical - Lucas, Ceryn, Amelia
Superstan - Finley, Hannah, Theron, Theo
What a Knight - Heather,Poppy, Mollie, George
Home Learning
Dear Parents, Carers and children of Griffin Class,
Welcome to our new hub of 'home learning'. Through the links below, I will provide you with daily updates, recommended worksheets and guide you in the best possible way over the coming weeks. Along with the home packs I have provided, I have included an extensive list of resources on our class page that will help keep the children busy.
To ensure we are staying healthy, maintaining skills and learning new things, I am suggesting you organise your day in advance. Write a schedule, including times to ensure your day is kept as close to a typical school day as possible. I have included a class noveI, i will upload questions related to the text daily, with the expectation that children read a certain amount (to be specified daily), in order for them to be able to answer the questions. I encourage you to be as active as possible... Can you do the daily mile around your garden? Check out Super Movers on the BBC website!
On Friday's I will upload a video of your spelling test - text me your results ( I will chase you if I don't get them!).
I appreciate that all of this may be a lot to take in and you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. I will be available throughout the day on Class Dojo, email, facetime etc. I will also try and set up Skype as another means of communication.
It's important to me that I hear from you or even better see your faces. We need to stick together and keep each other going, I don't want to be at home, I want to be at school with you miserable lot, but at the moment we can't. So lets make the best of what we can do. I am only at the end of the phone, always!
I hope to see you all back in the classroom very soon!
My best wishes,
Mrs Hibbert.
Well we are now half way through the school year, wow! The children are working really hard in class on some really tricky concepts this half term.
Our topic this half term is The Rainforests, we will be learning:
National Curriculum subjects and statements to be covered during half term (Science and Foundation Subjects): Science
Music • contrast the work of a famous composer with another and explain preferences |
In English and Maths we are learning to:
Maths half termly objectives:
English half termly objectives:
If you need to contact me and don't catch me at school then use the email address below:
General Reminders…
Spellings in Year 5 ….
Spellings will be handed out each Friday you will be given a set of words to learn for a test the following Friday. This list is available on your webpage too.
Times Tables – we will practice times tables every day but on Fridays there will be additional multiplication and division challenges and your times tables quick recall will be tested.
Reading in Year 5...
My passion is reading, reading opens a wealth of imagination and ideas for writing. If there is one thing you can do for your child its read with them, to them, let them see you reading, give them a shopping a list and ask them to find the products. Read newspapers, magazines, books, things on the internet, anything, just read.
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