We offer both 15hour funded places and 30hour funded places.
Our sessions are:
Morning: 8.40 - 11.40am
Afternoon: 12.20 - 3.20pm
15hour places can be either 5 mornings or 5 afternoons.
Children who are eligible for 30hours are not required to attend all sessions. However, we do ask that all 30hour places are either every morning with afternoon tops ups as required or every afternoon with morning top ups as required.
Paid for sessions are also available for children who attend 15hours if parents would like to increase their hours or need extra childcare. This can be arranged on a week by week basis. Extra sessions are charged at a cost of £4.50 per hour.
For children accepting a 30hour place we have a lunch club from 11.40am - 12.20pm, at the cost of £2.10 per day. Children can bring their own lunch from home or purchase a hot school dinner at an additional £2.70 a day. We are a cashless school and if you wish to purchase a hot meal we will set up a Squid account for you.
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