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Welcome to Pixie Class - Year 1


Autumn term 1  - Memory Box

Welcome back!

Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from the Foundation Stage to Key Stage One. The Year 1 curriculum builds upon and extends the experiences that children have had in Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more formal learning as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners. .


Our first topic is called Memory Box and is a history based topic. Over the half term we will be exploring old fashioned toys, households and transport. If you have any artefacts that may help us with our topic and wouldn’t mind us looking at them, then please let me know. Some of the history lessons will be based around the old television series ‘Magic Grandad’ and these are available on you tube if you would like to take a look.


Homework will be given out once a week. It will be sent home on Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday. There will also be a homework grid sent home at the beginning of every term, with a selection of activities for you and your child to have a go at. This homework is not compulsory nut links to our topic for the half term.


PE will take place every Monday (Dance), Wednesday (Gym) and Friday (Games with Mr Roberts). Please ensure that your child's indoor and outdoor PE kit is available on these days. 


Children's reading books can be changed by children using the baskets in the classroom. These can be changed as and when required. 

The baskets can be found on  the windowsill above the role play area.

A polite reminder not to change your child's books via the bookshelves in the middle area, as these are for members of staff only.


If you have written a comment in your child's reading diary, please put the diary in the basket on the drawers near the outside door at the beginning of the day. This will allow me to read and respond to the comments in time to give the diaries back at the end of the day.


  Any letters or reply slips, which need to be returned, can be dropped in the box in our classroom labelled dropbox. Please ensure that any letters are clearly labelled.


The children can bring their own water bottle to keep in class which they can access throughout the day and they will change their water regularly. Please make sure your child’s name is written clearly on their water bottle. 

Pixie Class do afternoon tea


On 17th October to finish off our Memory Box topic we went for afternoon tea at Heaven is Homemade, in Todwick. The children enjoyed a selection of sandwiches, salad, crisp, biscuits, jelly and ice-cream and even a cake made from a war time recipe. There was blackcurrant tea (juice) in real china teapots and cups and saucers (and we managed not to break any!).

The children had a fabulous time. Why not pop across in the holidays and share the experience again with the children.



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