Key dates
September | October |
3rd - First day back 10th - Library bus 18th - Race For Life 26th - Back to school disco 27th - Macmillan coffee morning |
8th - Library bus 9th - Sherwood Forest visit 14th - Flu vaccs 15th -Harvest Festival (9:30am) 18th - School photos 18th - Last day of term |
Welcome back!
Welcome to our first half term in year 2! I hope you've had a wonderful summer and are ready to get back into the school routines.
Our first topic of the year is Robin Hood, we're excited to learn all about him, his band of Merry Men and what they got up to in Sherwood Forest.
We have an exciting trip lined up where we learn all about Robin Hood's shenanigans and life in medieval times in the morning and in the afternoon the children will work in teams and go orienteering. We are looking forward to it!
If you have any questions regarding the trip please come and see me.
In maths we are refreshing our memory of place value (knowing the '8' in 84 is 80 and not just '8'). We are also focusing heavily on addition and subtraction strategies, particularly being able to add and subtract using the column method.
1 6 +
1 2
2 8
In English we are basing our story around Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow. See our English tab to read the text for yourself and practise at home with your children.
Weekly spellings will be sent home on a Wednesday and spelling tests will be carried out the following Wednesday. Spellings will be available on the website (on spellings tab) and sent home on paper. Children will write in their reading diaries their progress.
We will be focusing on adjectives, nouns and verbs this half term. Ask your child to use adjectives to describe activities outside of school to help them with this.
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