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Welcome to Gnome Class



Welcome to Summer Term 2 in Gnome Class! We are almost at the end of our first year in school!!


This half-term our topic is called 'Who Lives In A Rock Pool?' We will be learning about sea creatures, the beach and water safety.


This half-term we are preparing for our move up to Year 1 so we will be coming in by ourselves in a morning, grown ups can leave us at the door. We will also be buying our own snack. Please send your child with the correct money in each day in a named purse/wallet in their bookbag.


If you would like to come in and help in Gnome Class please see a member of staff. Whether you are a mum, dad, grandma, grandad or even a sibling, you are more than welcome to come and join us!



  • PE is on a Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child has their PE kit in school every week (white t-shirt and blue/black shorts).

  • Children’s reading books will be changed when we hear children read. You are welcome to change children’s books as often as you like using the baskets in the classroom.

  • Reading prizes will be awarded to children who read at home at least 3 times a week for 10 weeks. Please sign your child's reading diary to help them achieve this.

  • Homework will be sent out on a Friday and is due back on a Wednesday.

  • Reading and Spelling Rockets will usually be done on a Wednesday or Thursday but there may be occasions where we need to do them on a different day - don't worry they will be done by the end of the week.


If you have any questions or worries please come and see us, we are more than happy to help in any way we can.


Thank you,

The EYFS Team



Summer Term 2 overview for parents

Our royal crowns!

Spring 2 Topic Overview parents information

Spring 1 Topic Overview and letter to parents - Are We There Yet?

Cursive Letter Formation Sheets

How We Learn - The Characteristics of Effective Learning

Mrs Hibbert joined a party this morning when she arrived at school!

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Mrs Blythe had some visitors last night...

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They've been back again!

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We sprinkled reindeer dust in the office on Monday night and our reindeer friends came back for another party!

When Santa's reindeer had a party...

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Autumn 2 Topic Overview - Will You Read Me A Story?

Welcome to Autumn 2 letter to parents and carers

Gnome Class Transition Questionnaire Analysis

Autumn 1 Topic Overview - How Many Colours in a Rainbow?

Amazon Link School Interviews Squid Dinner Money