As you are aware, a number of trade unions have balloted their members regarding industrial action to take place on Wednesday 30 November. The unions are opposed to the changes to public sector workers’ pension provisions proposed by the Government.
Staff members have informed me of their intentions for that day. I am grateful to them as they are not obliged to do so. I have undertaken a risk assessment regarding the effects of a significantly reduced staffing level on the children’s safety and wellbeing. It is with regret that I must inform you that the school will be closed to children on Wednesday 30 November.
The optimist in me hopes that the Government and the unions will come to some mutually agreed changes to the pension proposals and cancel the strike, but the realist in me thinks that there is little chance of this happening before Wednesday.
If there is any change to the situation, of course I will let you know immediately.
With my very best wishes,
Gareth Letton
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