At Gateford Park Primary School our aim is that the curriculum is fun, engaging and allows pupils to enjoy their learning. We want all our pupils to reach their full potential in all areas of their learning;
Our curriculum has been reviewed in line with the National curriculum and is currently organised into discrete subject areas, for example, maths, English, history and art etc; each subject area has its own subject leader who is responsible for managing that subject.
Our curriculum is designed to provide opportunities for developing children’s subject specific skills, ‘sticky’ knowledge and vocabulary, as well as ensuring that children have opportunities for recognising links between curriculum subjects. Knowledge organisers for topics give children the key information they need to remember about specific events/vocabulary/facts. This helps our teachers to know what the children have learned, as well as helping the children to;
Each year group produces a half termly overview of the key themes and links they will be covering and this is available on the year group pages. In addition to this, you will find coverage for curriculum areas in the relative subject areas, within the 'Curriculum' section of our website.
To keep you updated, class newsletters are sent out each half term to all parents. If you require any further information relating to our School Curriculum please check your child's Class Page on the website, Class Dojo, or speak to your Class Teacher. Thank you.
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