All school information relating to COVID-19 can be found on this page. Up to date government and NHS guidance can be found by clicking the following links:
Blended/Remote Learning
Blended learning is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional school-based classroom methods. Where needed, this is high-quality and safe, and aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision. As a school, we are required to educate pupils remotely, where necessary, in our response to the COVID crisis. Remote education is integrated into school curriculum planning, as it may need to be an essential component in the delivery of the school curriculum alongside classroom teaching, or in the case of a local lockdown.
Blended Learning Interim Plan
Schools are required to have a remote/blended learning plan in place so that any child who cannot attend school because of COVID-19 does not miss out on their learning.
As a school, we are in the process of setting up Google Classroom. This is a purpose made distance learning platform, which will allow children to log in to their virtual classroom to complete learning tasks, as well as being able to interact virtually with their class teacher.
As Google Classroom is new to us at school, we will only begin using it, once we have received the necessary training. This will ensure that it is used to its fullest potential. We will let you know as soon as we are ready to start using the new system.
Until the Google Classroom training has been completed, if your child is unable to attend school due to COVID-19, their class teacher will be in touch with you to ensure that class work is available (electronically or paper copies) for each day of your child’s absence, alongside opportunities to check in remotely with the class teacher, where possible.
Please let us know if you’re having any difficulties with remote learning, or if you have any questions. You can contact your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo or email – they will be more than happy to help.
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