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Half term 2

Key dates

November December

4th - First day back

5th – Mobile library

8th – Flu vaccs catch up

19th – Parents evening 1

20th – Parents evening 2

22nd – Dress down for Tombola

29th – Winter Warmer

3rd – Mobile library

6th – Pantomime in school

11th – Christmas dinner &

         Christmas jumper day

12th - School closed

13th – KS1 Nativity (9:30am)

13th  – KS1 Nativity (2pm)

19th – Christmas party day

20th – Last day of term


Welcome back!

Welcome back! Hope the two weeks have been enjoyable for everybody. We had a great half term learning about Robin Hood, column addition and subtraction and making our writing more interesting!



Our topic this half term is “Wonderful & Weird Weather”. We are learning all about the Sun, rain and snow but also about volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis! We will be learning how to read thermometers, making our own weather reports and much more!



Last half term we spent a long time on place value and addition and subtraction – the children have learned this method exceptionally well and we’ll continue to revise this regularly during this half term.

Children have been practicing their 2x tables and 10x tables and have blown me away with how quick they are at them now. Our class record started at 7 (2x tables) and is now 33! Our 10x tables record started at 13 and is now 42! They all love the game ‘Hit the Button’, it is free on an internet browser and you can use this link to play it:

This half-term there is a big focus on multiplication and the introduction of division (previously this has been referred to as ‘sharing’ instead of dividing). We are also introducing the 5x tables, feel free to practise this at home with your children – the Hit the Button game only lasts one minute at a time!





Some of you may be aware of the school approach to literacy/English and it is the Talk4Writing method. The children learn actions to a text, innovate it by making small changes of their choice and then they write their own story based on the one we learn. Our Talk4Writing texts this half term are based on ‘Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs’.


We will be looking at commas in lists, using expanded noun phrases, writing in the past tense, writing questions and writing setting descriptions.

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