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English/ Topic

Our topic this half term is ‘Into the Wild’. We will be learning about different animals, including where they come from and their life cycles, We will spend the first half of our term focusing on ‘Oi Dog!’, ‘Oi Frog!’ and ‘Oi Duck-billed Platypus!’. These brilliant books give us the opportunity to learn all about frogs and their life cycle, duck-billed platypuses and where they come from and enable the children to continue to build on their writing skills, using the fun, rhymes from these books. Here is a link to Cbbc Bitesize Wordwave, where you can listen to the story being read alongside a simple animation; https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvyc7nb/articles/zkpn92p

We will also spend time learning about the coronation, join in with The Royally Big Portrait and send some congratulations letters/cards to King Charles.



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